Motherhood During Crisis & Uncertainty | Mom Transferable Skill

Parenthood unlocks incredible potential for developing workplace skills – often in ways that you may not recognize. From the first day of parenthood you are juggling the unexpected, from pop-up illness to temper tantrums to extracurricular schedules and more… you have to flex each and every day in order to keep your family functioning and moving forward. 

I’ll never forget the first time that I had to reschedule our family’s week-long vacation because of a health crisis that didn’t play favorites – we all got hit, but not at the same time. Talk about a tiring and frustrating week! But at the end of it, I had gone head-to-head with an unfortunate and unexpected problem and came out the other side a stronger parent, and also a stronger candidate for returning to paid work. 

How does parenting during crisis and uncertainty translate to the workplace?

It can be a challenge to showcase the skills you’ve developed during motherhood into a resume or job interview asset, but it can (and should!) be done. Your career pause has shaped and developed your skills just as much as any other job. Here are a few ways you can highlight skills you’ve developed through parenting during crisis and uncertainty.

You are flexible and adaptable. You may have a preferred way of doing things, but you’re wise enough to know when you need to be flexible and change things up. As a parent and caregiver you are often called on to deal with the unpredictable and manage the unexpected, learning to adjust working through sometimes daily uncertainty. If things need to change, there is no point in beating around the bush. You know how and when to be flexible in your strategy, planning, and execution of team (read: family!) projects. This skill is particularly desired in projectment management roles. 

You are prepared. Life’s curveballs don’t throw you for a loop because you are ready for anything. You think through various scenarios and outcomes and have a plan for each situation, just in case. For example, when you plan for a trip with kids (even just a trip to the park!), you think ahead, packing extra diapers, snacks, a favorite book or toy in case of an unexpected meltdown. Your team (read: family!) often relies on you when things go south to keep them all together and functioning smoothly. Preparedness is especially important for project management roles.

You don’t buckle under pressure. When things get tough, you take a deep breath and meet the challenge head on. You understand that setbacks are a part of life, an opportunity to get curious, learn more, and change things up. You don’t let small setbacks bring you down. Instead you aren’t afraid to have tough conversations and do the dirty work to do what needs to be done. This role is particularly important for deadline-driven roles. 

You know when to ask for help. As much as you’d like to do it all, life has taught you that you can’t. It takes a village to raise a child, and reaching out to other people for support is a strength, not a weakness. You also know when to take care of yourself, and respect the limitations of others on your team (read: family!) as well. This is a critical skill in any role!

Finding Return to Work Support During Uncertain Times

Unfortunately, parenting isn’t the only uncertainty in our lives. Even with the global pandemic behind us, our world is still sitting in uncertain times. The International Monetary Fund recently issued a warning that the global financial outlook could slow growth. Since 2020, our world has been sitting in uncertainty, bouncing between crisis after crisis – the future unknown to all. 

While this warning is unsettling, uncertain financial times signal a great time for parents to return to paid work after taking a career pause, providing families with peace of mind and financial security. If you feel that now is the time for you to return to work and want help navigating the job market during uncertain times, Parents Pivot THRIVE group coaching can help! Joining the Thrive Like A Mother job search coaching group will connect you with other talented, paused parents as you explore career choices, define your strengths, learn how to leverage your skills, and get excited for this next chapter in your life. Learn more here.